Monday, March 4, 2013

New People & Places

            Why does it seem like my feelings are more easily hurt as an adult rather than when I was a child? Maybe it did hurt back then, however I feel like maybe I was so used to getting made fun of that I just stopped caring what others thought of me. After all what does it really matter what others think of us in the grand scheme of things? Going into new situations and meeting new people always make me nervous. I feel like there is a pressure to seem normal even though there really is no such thing as normal when we are all entirely different people.

            If I am every new relationship, job, situation brings a chance to meet new people that have not been around me. Which means it brings new chances for staring, comments, and rejection. The hardest is not really that I have to deal with it, but that those that I love have to be put in a situation to either sit back and hear the comments or feel the need to stand up for me. While it hurts me that people judge others based solely on their appearance I think it is harder for me when I feel guilty that others caught up in it because others question their choice of being around me. 

            All my life I have dealt with people that thought I was incapable to do things and have proven them wrong time and time again. I have dealt with people calling me names, making fun of me, avoiding me and rejecting me all because of the way that I was created. I don’t make fun of others because they were born with different color eyes or hair then me, why should they make fun of me because God gave me something to make me stand out and teach me to be thankful for the things that I am capable of?

            All I have to say is that God made me this way and He doesn’t make mistakes! I was created in this form for a purpose and my purpose and worth are determined by Him, not by the people of this world that cannot see past their own insecurities to see the wonderful design that only God could create with a fully formed plan and purpose in mind. I am the daughter of a King and I was made this way for His purpose.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14

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