Sunday, August 11, 2013


Sometimes in life you come across someone who it seems like really sees you for who you are rather than who you show the world you are. We all generally put up that front for the rest of the world to see and there are only a few that we let in far enough to see the real person inside. The one that has the scars of life and the fears we hide to protect our hearts. These special people we let in come into our lives generally unexpected and seem to somehow slip in under our radar that we keep on alert to protect our hearts. While it can be very scary to let them into our hearts it can also be very rewarding to have that special someone really see who you are. It is nice to have that one person that you can truly be yourself with without fear of what they will think, and can know that no matter what they will still love who you are flaws and all. How many people in your life will ever truly love you unconditionally? When you find that, you don’t throw that away, you hold tight to it and cherish the gift that you have been given. Don’t question it, just accept it and be happy knowing that someone loves you through the good and the bad because that wont come along everyday. 

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