Do you ever feel really drained after talking to certain friends or family members? I attended the Women Of Faith conference this weekend and I came away thinking more about my relationships with the people in my life. I pondered this issue a lot this weekend. There are vampires in my life. Not the kind that suck your blood, but rather the kind that suck the life right out of you. Don’t get me wrong, I love the people in my life, but at some point you have to say enough is enough and allow them to take up their issues with God rather than you.
After listening to the speakers this weekend, I feel like I am more aware of why I feel this way. God has put me in several places I need to be right now. One of them was the Women Of Faith conference this weekend, the other is a Bible study at church by Beth Moore about getting out of the pit that we are in. I have felt like I am in a pit a lot lately. I am overwhelmed by the things going on in my life, I am not always making good choices and sometimes others are trying to drag me down into their pits with them as well. I have recently learned that we cannot pull others out of their pits. It is not possible, we are NOT GOD! We can be a friend and listen and be supportive, but we can’t rescue them from where they are because that will only be a temporary fix before they go right back down into their pit.
This then got me to thinking, am I a life sucking vampire as well? Am I draining my friends? I hate to think that after all this time of waiting to have a solid group of friends that I am sucking the life out of them with my problems. I now have the question of how do you know when you are a life sucker? How do you know when you have reached your limit of what you can share, what you can ask, what you can seek counsel on? My only answer is to look up. Look up to my Savior, my Deliver, my Healer. Somewhere I read that when life knocks you to your knees, this is the perfect place to pray. So here I am, ready to bow at the feet of Jesus, and turn over my problems, my issues and everything that is draining the life out of me. Here I am ready to be rescued from my pit.
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