Sunday, June 12, 2011

Blessings All Around

Wow, what a weekend!! We had our first fundraiser to get Hopeful Hands started. It was a lot of work, but I could really see God working. Through all of the planning there were doors opened and connections made to make it a great day. I was truly blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people.

The sale brought in almost all of what we needed to meet our original goal, which was $500. This will be used to file the paper work to get our non-profit status. The variety show had a decent turn out; I would have loved to see more people attend. However like I told the performers before the show, even if we don’t have a crowd we will use the time to praise God for answered prayers. We had some wonderful performers and even I sang with my daughter. (I was extremely nervous and I think her strong voice drowned me out for the most part…the crowd was lucky…ha ha) But even while I was singing I could feel the Spirit around me… and I knew that I was on the right path. I tried to keep God at the center of it all and praise Him for every open door, every performer that agreed to perform, for the location that was donated, the wonderful volunteers that gave of their time and their hearts and the crowds that came to all of the events.

I am blessed to have such wonderful people in my life and now have been blessed as well with connections that are being made through the article that was published in today’s paper. The article talked about what I am trying to accomplish by starting Hopeful Hands. I hope that by people reading the article they will think of someone they know that may benefit from the programs that Hopeful Hands will provide in the future. Even if I can only help one person to have a less difficult life from the programs I am working to start, that will make me feel like it has all been worth it. No matter what, I am following through on the path that God has placed me on and striving to make my Heavenly Father proud.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I know for sure is that 'He' is and has always been, proud of you. You're an inspiration to everyone around you, don't ever forget that.
